Saturday, October 07, 2006

Installation Saturday

It was a great Fall day, perfect for installing this year's yard haunt. Sort of new, is the fence. Our old one will be taking a one way to the dump. This one looks much better and installed in half the time. Amy took her brush to it, and it was transformed from suburban to spooky in just less than an hour.

Here's the blank canvas, gives you a good look at how empty the columns really are.

Stuff is beginning to fill in. For tonight's opening, the column drop panel won't be active. We're still waiting on a repair for the controller that drives the lights, sound and action that go with this prop. So, I just hooked the strobe inside to a motion detector so that passersby would at least trigger something. Seemed to work pretty well.

It's good to see old friends finding their place. We have two of these column gargoyles. An internet purchase. They make our fence columns all the cooler.

The roof gargoyle is back. Take a good look. I don't believe the mask that makes his face so pretty can last another year. It's splitting and cracking. In a lot of places. May need to try to find some kind of replacement next year. You can see a new creepy cloth treatment. We still need to add some more I think. There's not much in the package. And it's really just cheesecloth so...

Once again, our venerable reaper found his place. He provides an interesting contrast to our fading garden. He does a good job. We watched more than one person stop and listen to the show thanks to him.

Our resident corpse found a new home this year as part of the main scene. We'd always used him elsewhere. He is "emerging" in front of the rocking tombstone this year.

Getting closer to finished. Along the way today, we were rewarded by several of you stopping by to say hello and telling us you're glad the Sweeney Family Horror is materializing again, this year. Just so you know, that means a lot to us. Normally, this day is a little stressful for me, however, I had a good time getting things rigged this year. We tried a new lighting scheme thanks to some tips from Skull and Bone, and I have to say, I was very pleased. If we can get some decent night pictures we'll share. In the meantime, thanks a ton S&B.

The Halloween season is here. Stay tuned to this address for more updates.

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